the context of country Mills Journées du Patrimoine, Le Moulin de La Vergne Lucs Sur Boulogne 85170 (Vendée) opens its doors to welcome you and make you visit and rediscover the old mill. Z'Amiroles, group of arts & Traditions in the Vendée, which the owners of the mill are members for activities associated with the backup of the old crafts & their gestures, will host the afternoon presenting their new show "Earth Traditions, Sea Traditions" created specially on the occasion of the 100th fair exhibition of La Roche Sur Yon from 21 March 2013, as well as their activities on the preservation of old crafts. Entry, visit, concert & animations free! Come join us from 3:00 pm to spend a pleasant passtime and see the local heritage, meet the volunteers who are trying to preserve. Contact: Yvonne MACE 02-51-46-51-95 Site of the Z'Amiroles: Sur le Moulin De la Vergne and milling: