Heritage, visit, Museum in Western Loire
Register your touristic spot in Western Loire it's free (in French)
Register your touristic spot in Western Loire it's free (in French)
Museum in Bourgneuf-en-RetzMusée du Pays de RetzLes Amis du Pays de Retz BP14, rue des Moines 44580 Bourgneuf-en-Retz (Loire Atlantique)
Phone : 02 40 21 40 83
- Fax : 02 40 21 40 83
In the audio-visuel room, a short document will invite you to a visit in the «Pays de Retz». The soil in our country will be showed to you with maps and lots of geological samples. Three ... Museum in Nort-sur-ErdreLe 104Jean Marc Perrigot 104, la Belletière 44390 Nort sur erdre 44390 Nort-sur-Erdre (Loire Atlantique)
Phone : 02 40 72 26 96
Museum in Saint-Hilaire-la-ForêtLe CAIRN - Centre de la PréhistoireParc à thème sur la Préhistoire Rue de la Courolle 85440 Saint-Hilaire-la-Forêt (Vendée)
Phone : 02 51 33 38 38
Le Cairn Prehistory Center : Travel back 5000 years in time , discover what life was like in the stone age era, understand the past in a fun and entertaining way at Le Cairn Prehistory Center, ... Museum in Le Loroux-BottereauAbbaye Ste Radegonde, Musée de la Vigne et du VinECHAPPE Sainte radegonde 44430 Le Loroux-Bottereau (Loire Atlantique)
Phone : 06 70 18 07 03
Our Museum is situated in what was the chapel of the abbey built in the XII century )y the nuns of the order of Sainte Radegonde. The authentic interior has been preserved. The Museum has earned the ...
Museum in JupillesCarnuta, la Maison de l'Homme et de la forêtSandy SERVANT 2, rue du bourg ancien 72500 Jupilles (Sarthe)
Phone : 02 43 38 10 31
- Fax : 02 43 38 10 35
This place in atypical architecture invites you to a walk in the heart of the forest of rocked. Through images, sounds, movies, textures, sensations and smells, discover the fauna, flora and the ...
Museum in Saint-CalaisMusée-Biblioihèque et Fonds AncienP. Pillet Centre de Ressources 72120 Saint-Calais (Sarthe)
Phone : 02 43 35 63 03
Museum in Saint-Michel-en-l'HermMusée André DeluolMme Marie-Hélène FLEURY 1 rue de l'Etendard 85580 Saint-Michel-en-l'Herm (Vendée)
Phone : 02 51 30 21 89
More than 150 works carved directly in stone, marble, even walnut, are exhibited, performed from 1929 to 1995. The artist, man of light and landscape, quiet and discreet, had deeply rooted in the ...
Museum in Saint-André-de-la-MarcheMusée des Métiers de la ChaussureSèvremoine 6 rue Saint Paul 49450 Saint-André-de-la-Marche (Maine-et-Loire)
Phone : 02 41 46 35 65