
посещение достопримечательностей , замки,монументы в Пеи-де-ла-Луар

    Castles and Monuments
    Castles are historic heights-places, they allow to dive back into the universe of the Lords who lived there. Some of these monuments, as fortresses, symbol of power and power, are often marked by the wars of the Middle Ages. Others, as the castles of sailing are much more stylized and testify of the refinement of the Renaissance.
11 в Пеи-де-ла-Луар.
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замки,монументы в Saint-Martin-des-Noyers

Château de la Grève

Association des Amis du Château de la Grève La Grève 85140 Saint-Martin-des-Noyers (Vendée)
телефон : 02 51 07 86 36
Le Chateau de la Greve, dating back from the middle of the 12st century and belonging at that time to the Chabot family, became important during the wars of religion, with heroic exploits during the ...

замки,монументы в Fontenay-le-Comte

Château de Terre Neuve

Henri du Fontenioux Château de Terre Neuve 85200 Fontenay-le-Comte (Vendée)
телефон : 02 51 69 17 75
Ньюфаундленд замок был построен в 1580, РАПИН Николя, благочинный жандармерии Франции и компаньон ГЕНРИХА IV. В ...

замки,монументы в Châteaubriant

Pays Touristique de Châteaubriant

Raymond LEBOSSE le Château 44110 Châteaubriant (Loire Atlantique)
телефон : 02 40 81 40 82  - факс : 02 40 81 40 91.
Déloppement and promotion of tourism in the Pays de Chateaubriant for hiking, quality accommodation with gites, cottages, and beautiful reception halls in the country. Home quality in less than an ...
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