микросхема Musée Vert, Musée d

посещение достопримечательностей , музеи,экспозиции dans la Sarthe

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Musée Vert, Musée d'histoire naturelle du Mans

Nicolas Morel 204 avenue Jean Jaurès 72000 Le Mans (Sarthe)
телефон : 02 43 47 39 94  - факс : 02 43 47 48 61
The Musée Vert is the natural history museum of the city of Le Mans. It opened its doors to the public in June 1995. This establishment with its scientific vocation, is inspected by the Ministry for Research, and received the Musée de France label in 2002.
The Musée Vert preserves nearly 200,000 specimens in its collections, accumulated by generations of collectors and naturalists from the Sarthe since the opening of the first museum of Le Mans in 1799.
It consists, in particular, of naturalised birds and mammals, collections of insects, shells and plants, as well as fossils, minerals and rocks.

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  • Chantecler 50 Rue De La Pelouse 72000 Le Mans начиная с 60.00 &евро;

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  • Hôtel Emeraude 18-20 Rue Gastelier 72000 Le Mans начиная с 64.00 &евро;

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  • Château de Vaulogé Château de Vaulogé 72430 Fercé-sur-Sarthe

  • LE DOMAINE DE BEL AIR Chateau de Bel Air - D323 72330 Cérans-Foulletourte

  • Village de 7 gîtes des Tropes La Chauvinière 72500 Jupilles

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